Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Puppy Love

Goyle is officially his name. It suits him, I think. He is a pretty spoiled pup so far... going to work with me and getting all sorts of extra love there. Tonight I HAD to go to Target and since I had no where else to put him, he went to puppy jail...

I don't think he appreciated it much. But I did come home with some treats for him. Including a little sweater so he won't freeze his butt off outside and a little piggy toy.

Plus, ge got some actual dog treats. The X-small sweater is still huge on him. In fact, it looks like he'll just pee on the sweater. Oh well... I also got him a cute bed, which I hope will one day be used. Right now, he's only happy sleeping on people's laps. Like now, I'm sitting on the floor and guess where he is... my ass is like super asleep and I can't move. But he's freaking adorable so I allow it...